Genre: Horror / Comedy / Poetry / Monsters
Year Published: 2006
Year Read: 2015
Publisher: Hancourt, Inc.
Now, I have read many picture books that were not only funny for children, but also funny for adults and I have stumbled upon yet another picture book that was laugh out loud funny for both children and adults called “Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich and Other Stories You’re Sure to Like, Because They’re all about Monsters, and some of them are also about food. You Like Food, don’t you? Well, all right then” (or we can just say “Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich” to make it easier).
In this book, there are total of nineteen poems that detail several different monsters and the bad days they have, which includes “Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich,” “The Phantom of the Opera,” “The Invisible Man Gets a Haircut,” and “The Lunchsack of Notre Dame.”
Why? Why did I not read this book when it first came out? Actually, this happens to me a lot every time my book friends are recommending me various books at the time and it usually takes me like FOREVER to get around to those books! Adam Rex was a genius in writing this book as the text is written in a rhyming text that really brings out the creativity of this book and the various jokes and humor managed to tickle my funny bone! I loved the fact that each monster in this book were written in an extremely hilarious way and I was seriously chuckling to myself at seeing the hijinks that each monster get into. My favorite poems in this book were probably the ones that involve “The Phantom of the Opera,” especially since the Phantom of the Opera kept playing random songs like “Pop goes the Weasel” and “It’s a Small World” instead of playing an aria like he originally wanted and it was fun singing the poem according to the songs that the Phantom of the Opera got stuck in his head! Adam Rex’s illustrations were creative and fun to look at as all the monsters have hilarious expressions on their faces whenever they get into embarrassing situations. My favorite image was probably of Frankenstein himself making a huge sandwich that contained all kinds of crazy ingredients that would make you scratch your head in confusion!
Parents should know that there is a brief mention of “ass” in this book, even though it is basically just describing a donkey and is not used in any inappropriate way.
Overall, “Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich” is truly one awesome and hilarious book that everyone needs to check out as soon as possible! I would recommend this book to children ages six and up since some of the humor might go over some children’s heads and the use of the word “ass” might be controversial for some readers.
Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog