Title: Unraveling Rose
Author: Brian Wray
Artist: Shiloh Penfield
Genre: Toys / Friendship / Children's / OCD / Mental Health
Year Published: 2017
Year Read: 2017
Publisher: Schiffer Publishing
Source: eARC (Edelweiss)
Content Rating: Ages 4+ (Nothing Objectionable)
4.5 stars
I would like to thank Edelweiss and Schiffer Publishing for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
2017 seems to be the year where I am able to find many children’s book that deal with mental health issues and I loved the fact that I am able to find such children’s books since I wanted to read more about mental health and these books were essential to my reading choices! So, I picked up another book from Edelweiss called “Unraveling Rose,” which was written by Brian Wray along with artwork by Shiloh Penfield that dealt with the issue of OCD and I really enjoyed this book!
Rose was a stuffed bunny who was loved by a little boy and they would do all kind of activities with each other like read books and play in the park together. Also, Rose likes everything to be perfect such as making sure that the books on the bookshelf were straighten up and making sure that the tea cups were facing the right. One day, however, Rose noticed that there was a loose thread dangling from her arm and even though Rose tried to ignore the thread, it ended up being the only thing that she thought about and she ended up pulling out the thread. Unfortunately, the thread ended up stretching out even longer and it got to the point where Rose could not do much of the activities that she used to due to the thread pulling out the stuffing in her arm and rendering her arm useless.
Will Rose be able to play with the boy again and can she get over her obsession with fixing her loose thread?
Read this book to find out!
I must admit that I was quite impressed with this children’s book as it is rare that I read a children’s book that dealt with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Brian Wray has done a great job at conveying the signs of having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which includes making sure everything is perfect, to the point that it becomes a massive obsession. I really enjoyed the relationship shared between Rose and the boy as it reminded of the relationship shared between the boy and the stuffed rabbit in “The Velveteen Rabbit,” which is where the boy truly cares about Rose, even if Rose was losing her stuffing out of her arm. This story also seems to be extremely similar to the classic children’s story “The Velveteen Rabbit,” as both stories involved a young boy playing with their stuffed rabbit. The only difference between the two is that this story has the “Velveteen Rabbit” character (Rose in this case) suffer from OCD and we get to see how Rose handles having this condition. I also loved the fact that Brian Wray provided some information about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) at the end of the book as it gave me more insight on how OCD works and how you can help a person who is suffering from OCD. Shiloh Penfield’s artwork is adorable to look at, especially of the images of Rose herself having a cute white dress with pink polka dots on it and the small boy having large glasses and a friendly expression on his face.
The reason why I took off half a point from the rating was because I felt that the pacing was a bit slow in some places and I often found myself trying to read through this book rather quickly as I wanted to hold my interest in the story.
Overall, “Unraveling Rose” is a truly cute book about teaching children about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and how to deal with it. I would recommend this book to children ages four and up since there is nothing objectionable in this book.
Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog