Lola and the Boy Next Door - Stephanie Perkins

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Year Published: 2011

Number of Pages: 338 pages

Date Read: 2/15/2012

Series: Anna and the French Kiss #2  




“When you have a talented costume designer and a gifted inventor living next door to each other, what do you get?  You get one cute and thrilling teen romance of the century!”


I have been reading romance novels for a long time now, but I have never read a romance novel quite like this before!  “Lola and the Boy Next Door” is a teen romance novel by Stephanie Perkins and it proves that true love can be at the place where you least expected it to be.  “Lola and the Boy Next Door” is full of humor, drama, and cute teen romance that will have teen romance fans falling head over heels in love with this novel!


Dolores “Lola” Nolan is a regular teenage girl who enjoys creating beautiful costumes and wearing them to school.  To add to her wonderful life, she has a hot boyfriend who performs in a rock band named Max and she loves him to death.  One horrible day however, Lola finds out that her rival Calliope Bell and her twin brother, Cricket Bell are returning to her neighborhood and are now living next door to her!  Even though Lola denies her feelings for Cricket Bell after he hurt her years ago, Lola cannot help but feel like she and Cricket were meant for each other no matter what happened between them years ago.


You know when you read a certain book that after you finished reading it; you wish that the book never ended?  Well, that is what I got from “Lola and the Boy Next Door” since after I read this book, I was sad that it was over with so fast.  Stephanie Perkins has certainly done a wonderful job at writing this cute little story about the trials of seeing your first love reappear in your life again.  I loved the way that Stephanie Perkins wrote all the characters in this book, my favorite characters being Lola Nolan and Cricket Bell.  Lola Nolan is one of my favorite heroines ever because not only does she speak her mind and tries to do what is best for everyone, but she loves dressing up and getting creative! I loved Lola Nolan because she is always creating new styles for herself, even if it looks odd to other people and I loved this aspect of Lola Nolan because I also love creating new styles for myself since it makes me feel so creative about myself and I am glad that creating various designs for her costumes make Lola feel so good about herself.  Oh my goodness, I just fell in love with the hero, Cricket Bell!  Cricket Bell is one of those heroes that you just cannot help but fall in love with because he is such a sweet and brilliant teenage boy! I loved the way that Cricket Bell is portrayed as being a shy yet sweet natured boy who loves inventing various contraptions and I loved the way that he uses his inventing skills to impress Lola Nolan, even though his kind nature is what really made his character shine.  I really loved the way that Stephanie Perkins wrote the relationship between Cricket Bell and Lola Nolan as it is extremely sweet despite their terrible history with each other and I loved how they just communicate with each other through their windows every night, which makes me want to do the same thing with my neighbors!


Probably the only thing that might be troubling in this book is the strong language, especially for a teen novel.  If you do not like strong language in a novel, then it is probably best to skim over these words.


Overall, “Lola and the Boy Next Door” is easily one of the best teen romance novels I have ever read and I am definitely looking forward to reading more of Stephanie Perkins’ works in the future!


Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog