Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow? - Alan Moore, George Pérez, Curt Swan, Kurt Schaffenberger

Genre: Superhero / Action / Adventure

Year Published: 1985

Year Read: 2013

Series: Superman

Publisher: DC Comics






There were many comics during the 1980s that really helped redefine the comic book industry, such as Frank Miller’s classic “Batman” story, “Batman: The Dark Knight Returns,” which helped redefine Batman into a darker and edgier character.  Another comic that really stood out for DC comics during the 1980s was none other than “Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” which was actually the final “Superman” story to be written in the style of the silver age comics.  After I read Alan Moore’s classic “Batman” story, “Batman: The Killing Joke,” I just had to check out Alan Moore’s other works with the DC Universe and after many of my friends recommended me this comic, I decided to check out “Superman: Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?”  This is honestly the first “Superman” comic book I had ever read, even though I knew Superman from watching “Superman: The Animated Series” and “Smallville.”


What is this story about?


This is basically a what-if story about the events that led Superman to suddenly disappear from the face of the Earth.  This story includes many of Superman’s greatest foes (Bizarro, Lex Luthor, Metallos and Kryptonite Man) trying to kill Superman.  Will they succeed?  Read this comic to find out!


What I loved about this story:


Alan Moore’s writing: Alan Moore, as usual, has written a truly inspiring story about the man of tomorrow as it was truly intense yet exciting at the same time.  I loved the way that Alan Moore wrote this story in a what if scenario, even going as far as to say that this story is IMAGINARY, since I love reading “what-if” stories about what would have happened to our favorite comic book characters if certain situations that do not normally happen in the mainstream universe happened to that character.  I found this story to be really interesting because of how various events are set up to lead to the mystery of Superman’s disappearance such as Bizarro attacking Metropolis for sadistic reasons.  I also loved the fact that even though this story was extremely short, Alan Moore still managed to detail every event that was involved in Superman’s disappearance and I loved seeing the characters’ reactions towards certain situations, especially Superman himself.  I really loved the portrayals of all the characters, including Lois Lane and Superman as Lois Lane is written as being extremely helpful towards Superman and caring about him when the situations got complicated for Superman.  I really loved Superman’s personality as he is always shown as the man who would try to do the right thing and would try to help out his friends and the planet whenever they are attacked by his enemies.


Curt Swan’s artwork:  Curt Swan’s artwork was fantastic as it really captured the feel of the Silver Age “Superman” comics with the characters looking extremely realistic and colorful.  I also loved the way that Curt Swan drew the action scenes as they look intense and dramatic whenever Superman was fighting his foes.


What made me feel uncomfortable about this story:


I guess the only worrisome thing about this comic is that it is a bit darker than your average “Superman” story.  I will not go into much detail, but let us just say that many characters die in this comic and that might be upsetting for any “Superman” fan.


Final Thoughts:


Overall, “Superman” Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow” is a truly brilliant “Superman” story that fans of “Superman” will definitely enjoy for many years!  This volume also contains two extra stories after the original story which are “The Jungle Line” with artwork by Rick Veitch and it is where Superman meets up with Swamp Thing and “For the Man Who Has Everything” with artwork by Dave Gibbons and it is about Superman being controlled by one of Mongul’s inventions…on his birthday!  I would definitely check those two stories out also!


Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog