The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too! - Mo Willems

Genre: Animals / Emotions /  Humor

Year Published: 2005

Year Read:  2014

Publisher: Hyperion Books for Children



Man, how many “Pigeon” books are out there? It does not matter, because I have been enjoying almost all of the “Pigeon” books so far and I am so glad to find another “Pigeon” book called “The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too!” which happens to be in…BOARD BOOK FORMAT!



“Hey, Pigeon, why don’t you show everybody your HAPPY face?”




This is the opening statement of the book as it shows that the bus driver is trying to get the Pigeon to show his emotions to the readers. But, as usual, the Pigeon gives the readers reasons about why he refuses to show his emotions. But for anyone who has read the previous “Pigeon” series, we all know what is going to happen in the end…


Wow! Now, I will admit that when I picked up this book and it was in a board book format, I was a little surprised since this was the first time that I had read a “Pigeon” series in another format besides hardback. The board book format provided an interesting way to read this book as the story was much shorter than what your average “Pigeon” book usually is and it managed to convey some emotions that are felt by children and adults while providing some snarky humor to go along with it! Mo Willems has done a brilliant job at instilling humor in this book as the Pigeon is as funny as ever as he still tries to go against the bus driver’s wishes (despite the fact that it is quite obvious that he is showing many different emotions such as anger and happiness). Mo Willems’ artwork is as cute as ever, as we see images of the Pigeon showing various emotions throughout the book such as being sad and being angry. I especially love the images where the Pigeon waves his wings around frantically whenever he was angry since it was so hilarious to look at!


For anyone who is familiar with Mo Willems’ “Pigeon” series, you might be a bit disappointed that this book is extremely short compared to the other “Pigeon” books. It did seem like we were not getting enough story with this book as the pigeon only explored three emotions and I would have liked to see the Pigeon explore more emotions like “tired,” “excited” and “scared.”


Overall, “The Pigeon Has Feelings, Too!” is a cute and short little book that details the emotions that both children and adults feel and it is definitely a hilarious classic for both children and adults!


 Review is also on: Rabbit Ears Book Blog

